MVR Foundation's has a highly motivated team of individuals collectively working selflessly towards helping poor and needly patients.

MVR Foundation actively organises awareness programs all over India. It has also started conduction health camps to perform some of the expensive tests for free. Currently MVR Foundation's main focus is to ensure Thalaessamia Free India.
We currently support about 100 kids. Each require about Rs. 60,000 for treatment. Your donation will further our vision of ensuring a happy and healthy India. Donate to make a change.
If you think you would like to contribute to making India a better place, you can get in touch with us. You can even donate and get exemption under 80G. Any small contribution could help make our India a "Healthy India".
Our Vision >
To provide healthcare to the underprivileged at doorstep
To start free daycare for cancer patients
To educate and motivate people about blood disorders and cancer
To create a Thalassaemia free India